Student Features

Have a secure and private access to the system through an account and have a wide range of available resources through online classes.

Teacher feature 01

Online Enrollment and Admission

Students can have an overview of their subjects and course syllabus before enrollment to be mentally prepared for the upcoming school year. They can have access to their class schedules and sections before the academic year begins.

Online Enlistment

  • Subjects
  • Schedules

Online Enrollment

  • Payment Plans
  • Payment Schedule

School Feed

Students can stay updated or interact with faculty, admin, and support staff through a portal where they can stay updated with school news or new regulations.

Real-time news,
and updates

Publish blogs and
school articles

A place where
students can interact
and connect

Student feature 01
Student feature 01


Learn beyond the bounds of a 4-cornered classroom through attending online classes and workshops.

Viewing of

  • Lessons
  • Video presentations
Student feature

Viewing and Participation in:

  • Quizzes
  • Activities
  • Exams
  • Homework

Viewing of grades and
performance assessment

School Groups participation

  • Math club
  • English club
Request a demo
A well-facilitated training ground brings the most out of learning, making students multiple times better than the ones who taught them.